One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA
New Location!
10067 Keystone Dr.
Lake City, PA 16423
(814) 474-3160

Specializing in Child Care for Children Six Weeks to 13 Years Old.
A Bit about Our Day Care & Child Care Center

A Child's World Day Care and Learning Center is confident our daycare and child care center is different. Our philosophy is very simple. Using our own knowledge and experiences, we listen to what families are looking for and are in need of when deciding to leave their children in the hands of caregivers.
A Child's World Day Care and Learning Center is committed to forming a personal relationship with each and every family, as well as providing love, care, and concern for your child. Not only do young children need a clean and safe, educational place to be, but they need the consideration and one-on-one attention that is not often provided in large, impersonal centers.
Center Qualifications:
• Premises protected by Keypad Security System
• All Staff Is Certified in Pediatric First Aid & CPR
• A Keystone STARS Participant for Excellence in Quality Care
• Licensed by the Department of Public Welfare
• Specializing in Child Care for Children Six Weeks to 13 Years Old
Winner of the 2011, 2012, & 2013 People's Choice Award for Best Daycare/Preschool in Erie County.
Contact us in Lake City, Pennsylvania, to learn more about our daycare and child care center.