One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA

One of the highest-rated day cares in Fairview, PA
New Location!
10067 Keystone Dr.
Lake City, PA 16423
(814) 474-3160

Specializing in Child Care for Children Six Weeks to 13 Years Old.
ACW Office

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to stop in for a tour and talk to our office staff. We look forward to having you as part of our ACW family!

Please make sure to check your child's schedule with the office staff, to ensure we have the proper drop off and pick up time for your children.
Please call if your family may be running late. If we do not hear from you within two hours past your drop off time we may not be able to accommodate your family for that day, due to teacher/child ratio.
If you need a pick up time later than you have scheduled you must call the office to see if we can extend your child's stay.

Before you decide...
Choosing a quality child care center can be emotionally draining on your family. Here are some helpful things to consider when choosing a facility:
• Always check a facility's references.
• Is the setting bright and cheerful; do the children seem happy?
• Can parents be involved in the decision-making and other activities?
• Is the staff open to parents asking them questions no matter how trivial they seem to be?
• Call your local licensing agency and make sure the facility does not have any violations on their record.
• Is there a good variety of materials and activities?
• Do the children get comfort or one-on-one time when needed?
• Do they have an education program that is age appropriate for your child?
• Can the parents visit unannounced at any time their children are in the facility's care?
• Trust your gut - if you are the least bit hesitant about a facility then keep looking.
Contact us in Lake City, Pennsylvania, to see why we are the best daycare and child care center for your child.